Reprezentační tým MTB 2023 – info č. 33.

Osobní registrace jezdců pro závody UCI MTB World Series!

Nový promotér závodů UCI MTB World Series zavádí „vylepšený“ registrační systém, aby zabránil situaci z úvodního závodu WS v NMNM, kdy trenéři nebo jezdci čekali dlouhé hodiny na výdej závodních čísel a někteří do dnešního dne ještě ani neobdrželi účtenku o platbě startovného.

Řešením je dle promotéra vytvoření osobních profilů jezdců v registračním programu nového organizátora. Společně s koordinátorem ČSC Davidem Vichrem jsme se snažili ušetřit Vás od administrativy a vytvořit vám profily v rámci ČSC, ale není to bohužel možné. Profil je sestavený tak, že většinu údajů může vyplnit pouze jezdec osobně. Žádám tedy všechny jezdce kategorií ELITE a U23, kteří startují v závodech UCI MTB World Series nebo o startu uvažují, aby se obratem registrovali dle níže uvedeného postupu. Všichni, kteří plánujete start v Lenzerheide nebo Leogangu, prosím registrujte se ještě dnes (viz. níže).

Toto se týká především jezdců startujících za Reprezentaci MTB nebo za tým, který nemá statut UCI Team nebo UCI Elite vTeam. Jezdci, kteří závodí za UCI nebo UCI Elite Týmy by měli být už v systému registrováni, nicméně i to doporučuji zkontrolovat.


Dear Teams & National Federations,

We are looking to streamline our Rider Confirmation process to allow riders and team managers a smoother, more efficient experience on-site.

There are a couple of steps we need to take to kick off this process and your assistance with this is extremely important and much appreciated.

STEP 1 – Account Creation / Claim
All riders must be set up with their own account on our website;

We therefore request that riders use the following link to find out if they are already set up in the system and either proceed to update their profile or create a new account.

Please click below or copy & paste link:

The link will take riders to the screen below – they must then enter their unique 11 digit UCI ID (starting with 100 or 101).If a rider already has an account it will take them to a login page and specify the email address associated with the account.

If a rider does not have an account it will take them to this page where they should then proceed to create their account & profile (as illustrated below).

IMPORTANT – Please can you advise any riders entered through the respective team or through National Federation to proceed with the above steps as soon as possible.

STEP 2 – Entries Selections
FINALE XCM – From Friday 26th May 11:00 (BST) UCI MTB Teams can confirm entry and proceed with payment. For riders entering through their National Federation, the entry will be pending until confirmed by the UCI, at which point the rider can then proceed with payment. National Federations should advise all riders entering through them of this process.

REMAINING ROUNDS AND FORMATS – From Monday 29th May 16:00 (BST) UCI MTB Teams and Individual Riders will be able to select the events they are planning to attend for the remainder of the year. For riders entering through their National Federation, the entry will be pending until confirmed by the UCI at which point the rider can proceed with payment.

If on a UCI MTB Team, the Team Manager can select the rounds for their relevant riders and proceed with the payment.

Once entries have been selected in the system, instead of paying online if preferred; UCI MTB Teams & National Federations paying for multiple riders can also request to pay via invoice in advance of the rounds – please request this service at

Please note the creation of accounts and entries selection would still be required if opting for this service.

On-site Confirmation
The above steps will enable two lanes at confirmation:

> Priority / fast lane – for Teams, National Federations and Individuals who have already created accounts and paid for their entries – proceed directly to license check & plate collection.
Once you have paid you will be able to download a confirmation document which you should display at rider confirmation to proceed to the ‘fast lane’.

> Secondary lane – for Teams and Riders with no account or outstanding entries for that round they will need to create an account (if not already done) and proceed with payment before they can collect their number.

We very much appreciate your assistance with the above and please if you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch –