SP Petropolis – celní prohlášení
Zdravím Vás přátelé,
všechny, kteří se chystají na úvodní závod Světového poháru XCO v brazilském Petropolis upozorňuji, že pro vstup do Brazílie bude, mimo jiné, potřeba vyplnit celní prohlášení o proclení kol, vybavení, atd. Platí v případě všech účastníků, včetně členů realizačních týmů.
The Mountain Bike World Cup 2022 is coming!
It is essencial that your team is prepared!
There are some important documents that must be filled out. If you have not already done so, please complete and submit the World Cup Booking Form (attached) and the Electronic Declaration of Travelers‘ Property for your participation.
- Importance of filling out the e-DBV – Electronic Declaration of Travelers‘ Property in advance
To all the cyclists and team members coming from abroad to participate in the Michelin International Mountain Bike Cup and the Mercedes-Benz Mountain Bike World Cup, we, the organizers of both events, stress the importance and the advantage of filling out the e-DBV – Electronic Declaration of Travelers‘ Assets in advance.
Filling it out aims to speed up the process of entering the country, in its mandatory passage through customs. Everyone entering with bicycles and other equipment, which are important and of greater value, must fill out the form.
Here is the link to the IRS website, with instructions on how to fill out the Declaration of Accompanied Baggage, the so-called e-DBV Electronic Declaration of Traveler’s Property.
e-DBV – Declaração Eletrônica de Bens do Viajante
Para iniciar, digite os números e letras no campo abaixo. 6 Q o c 7 E. F 3 z H T p |
Besides the option of filling out the form in Portuguese, there is also the possibility of making the declaration in English and Spanish.
It is advisable to have this form printed out, so that when the cyclists and team members enter Brazil, through any of the country’s international airports, they already have the e-DBV filled out, which will speed up the process of going through customs.
Micaela Zanella
Operation Coordinator
Cel 55 11 99892.0202