Informace k SP Lenzerheide:
1) je nutné, aby se každý účastník individuelně registroval přes odkaz: Accreditation | UCI MTB World Cup Lenzerheide
- kód pro vstup je: UCImtbWC21_Lh_Team!
- POZOR! Akreditaci musíte udělat do 22.8.!
2) Testy:
- plně očkovaní nemusí absolvovat test
- ostatní musí absolvovat test dle instrukcí, včetně opakování testu po uplynutí časové lhůty
3) přihlášky k závodu v případě, že nejste členy UCI týmu musíte poslat koordinátorovi ČSC Davidovi Vichrovi do pátku 27.8.
- uveďte adresu ubytování a kód UCI
- mě dejte do kopie
Dear Teams
Dear Tech Supporter
Admission to the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Lenzerheide is granted to those who can present an accreditation, a Covid certificate and official identification. Find the most important info in the mail below and the attachment.
Request accreditation for contact tracing
Please complete the request Accreditation | UCI MTB World Cup Lenzerheide for all members of your team until the 22nd of August 2021.
The contact details are used for the accreditation and the contact tracing. The registration is very easy.
Mobiles Test Centre (close to accreditation centre)
Beside the doctor’s practices from Dr. Bergamin, Dr. Caitani and Dr. Fierz, there is from Tuesday, 31st of August to Sunday, 5thSeptember 2021 a public mobile test centre close to the venue. The Mobile Test Centre is located behind the Kiosk Canols, just beside the team area and the main entrance. There are no parking slots available, therefore take your bike or walk to the mobile testing centre.
Register for your Covid-19 test at the Mobile Test Centre prior the event, to avoid waiting time and help us in the organisation. You can reserve your test online per link or the QR Code on the left side. A online registration in advanced is necessary, the earlier the better for our organisation.
Important: Bring your ID or passport as well as your insurance card to your Covid-19 test appointment. For Swiss residents the test is free. For foreigner CHF 40.00 will be charged per test at the test centre. (credit card or cash)
Recommendation for Covid tests
We work with bracelet at the access control and there are 2 slots for tested people, the first from Tuesday to Thursday and the second from Friday to Sunday. Within this slots we have to guarantee the 48h validation of the rapid antigen test. Therefore all tested person have to prove on Friday morning a valid covid certificate for the length of their stay as well as their accreditation and an official identification in the accreditation centre.
The 48h have to be valid until your last entry time at the event venue. Therefore we recommend
- All team members & athletes who are only till Saturday at the venue, we recommend to do their testing on Thursday afternoon (3pm-7pm) to avoid waiting hours.
- All team members & athletes who are only till Sunday at the venue, we recommend to do their testing on Friday morning (6am-12am) before you enter the event area, that we can accept your test till your entry on Sunday (48h).
- If that is not possible, you need to show us your testing appointment from a later day.